Original Tutorial and reflection
This tutorial is about how to make a aluminium bowl. Let's get start!
First of all, the material we need:
- a piece of aluminium.
- a hammer and sand bag.
- aluminium scissors.
- maker and compasses.
Then, we can really get start! Firstly, we need to use use marker to find out the central point of aluminium sheet. We need to draw a cross from left top side to right down side. Then we can use compasses to draw 3 circles base on the central point of aluminium sheet. The first circle should be the biggest one, then the second one should be 100mm smaller than the first one. The third one should be 100mm smaller than the second one.
Then, we can use hammer to hit it!
We hit the aluminium by following the first circle. At this stage, we need make the aluminium shape to three dimensional. Like the below photo showing, use the hammer hit the red line( the first circle), the it becomes a basic shape of the bowl.

Then, we should sand bag and start to hit the second circle. We need to make the bowl more deeper and more smooth. We holding the bowl like the below photo showing, At this stage, we can not hit it too hard, otherwise, it will broken.
Ok, at this stage, the bowl should be looks like the photo showing.
We can use the English Wheel to make it more smooth.
The bowl shape can be replied in architecture. Here have some example of the building.